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Sports Advangtage



Our All-In-One product is specifically designed to meet the needs of nonprofit youth sports organizations by providing general liability, property, inland marine, directors & officers and employment practices liability coverage all on one policy!


Ineligible Youth Sports


Please note we cannot offer coverage to the following:

  • High hazard/contact sports, including but not limited to karate, martial arts, boxing, gymnastics, wrestling and diving

  • School sponsored sports/teams

  • National/International travel or any trips by plane

  • Parents or guardians not required to sign waivers of liability/release forms

  • Background checks not performed on all employees and volunteers

  • No code of conduct/zero tolerance policy in place

  • Swimming pool either owned, leased or operated

  • Sexual or physical abuse claims or incidents

  • Risks located in AK, LA or WV

  • Property coverage in FL (unavailable with this product)


Coverage Limits Available for Youth Sports

  • General liability up to $1,000,000 occurrence/$3,000,000 aggregate (including spectator                                                                                                      and participant liability)

  • Abuse and molestation up to $1,000,000/$1,000,000

  • Assault and battery sublimit of $50,000

  • Property values up to: $3,000,000 in non-coastal zones (protection class 1-8)

  • $1,000,000 in non-coastal zones (protection class 9-10)

  • $500,000 in coastal zones (wind and hail restrictions apply)

  • Inland marine up to $500,000 ($25,000 maximum value per scheduled item)

  • Nonprofit directors & officers liability and employment practices liability limits up to $5,000,000



Claim Example for Youth Sports


Property: The local youth sports organization’s storage trailer was broken into by vandals. All the uniforms for the baseball, basketball and soccer teams were stolen, as well as a pitching machine and other miscellaneous sports equipment.The organization suffers a loss of $10,000 as a result of the stolen property.


General Liability: An uncle was attending his nephew’s Little League Baseball game. While waiting for the game to begin the man was struck in the head by an overthrown ball, resulting in a head fracture and blood clot. The man who was injured files a lawsuit for pain and suffering against the organization.


Hired / Non Owned Auto: A coach for the local sports organization was driving to the sporting goods store to pick up uniforms for the organization’s soccer team. While in route to the sporting goods store, the coach sideswipes another vehicle. The coach suffers minor injuries, but the other driver sustains severe bodily injuries and sues the coach’s personal auto policy. The other driver’s injuries are so severe they ultimately exceed the coach’s personal auto limits and a secondary claim is made against the hired/non-owned policy of the youth sports organization.

Abuse & Molestation: The local youth girl’s soccer team is traveling overnight for an out of town weekend tournament. The star player cannot make the trip, because her parents are working the weekend of the tournament. The head coach offers to take the girl to the tournament and her parents consent. During the trip, the girl is sexually molested by the coach. The girl’s parents sue the organization’s Abuse & Molestation coverage for bodily injury and mental duress.


Employment Practices: A mother volunteers to serve as the treasurer for her daughter’s youth softball organization. After serving for a week the organization’s president tells her he is making her the organization’s secretary, because that role is more suitable for a woman. The organization immediately replaces her as treasurer with a father of another player. The woman sues the organization’s Employment Practices policy for sex discrimination.


Equipment Breakdown: A gymnasium’s cast-iron steam boiler experienced a low- water condition causing extensive damage to several sections of the unit resulting in $18,375 property damage. The boiler was replaced in five days, and in that time, numerous games had to be relocated to accommodating facilities for an extra expense of $2,200.


You must be an appointed USASIA Insurance Services retailer to use these programs. Quotes obtained via these programs will only be bound IF you are a previously appointed retailer with USASIA. PRIOR TO BINDING, check with your branch to determine any and all applicable taxes and fees. If you need additional pricing considerations on any web quote received via these programs or if your submission is declined, please call your USASIA representative.

Boy Throwing Basketball

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