General Liability
General Liability policies are the most common business liability policies. As the name implies, these policies cover "general" liability. More specific types of liability such as automobile liability, technology errors and omissions or professional malpractice liability are covered under specialized liability policies.
General Liability policies generally cover the legal liability of a company for bodily injury to others and for damage to the property of others. There are a number of different policy forms. Some are limited to a business's liability as owner (or occupant) of your premises. Others offer broader coverage.
Liability insurance is designed to offer specific protection against third party claims, i.e., payment is not typically made to the insured, but rather to someone suffering loss who is not a party to the insurance contract. In general, damage caused intentionally and contractual liability are not covered under liability insurance policies. When a claim is made, the insurance carrier has the right to defend the insured. the legal costs of a defense are not affected by any policy limits, which is useful because they can be significant where long trials are held to determine either fault or the amount of damages.